Post-Natal Episode 3: DAY 3-4 – Overview of What You Need to Know at this stage

It is such a unique time when the baby is over two days old, but your full-milk hasn’t yet fully arrived – and of course there’s lots to know about on this steep learning curve!


* Blues ending > Milk arriving

* Post-birth examinations

* Self-Care & Psychologically feeling confident in the home environment

* Awareness of Signs & Symptoms for Postnatal Infections

* Access to assistance & advice on breastfeeding & lactation


* Physical well-being

* Knowledge of recognising & managing minor issues

* Access to understanding baby cries

* Jaundice – recognising the difference between mild, moderate & severe, and needs for Phototherapy in a timely manner),

Love & light,


Note: The 25-min full-version of DAY-3-4 POSTPARTUM goes into a lot more detail, about these topics

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Post-Natal Episode 3: DAY 3-4 – Overview of What You Need to Know at this stage
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