Welcome to MotherWise Podcast

With your Maternity journey, do you want to experience the Big 4? A great Birth; successful Breastfeeding; a good-sleeping Baby.

And, if your No.1 priority is giving your Baby the safest and least traumatic birth arrival, 

then this is likely your ONE-STOP-SHOP to having so many of your queries answered … including potentially loads of questions, you don’t even know you have yet.

The MotherWise podcasts, hosted by senior midwife Kathy Fray, are about revealing advanced prenatal knowledge on pregnancy, childbirth, infants, and motherhood … for Mothers to have the most BEAUTIFULLY EXTRAORDINARY and non-traumatic Birth & Baby maternity experience they can imagine.

Then let Kathy help you avoid the painful avoidable pitfalls that commonly trip-up newbie Mothers. 

Get ready…Listen…and Learn… You could be that Mother & Baby who are both doing stunningly well!


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