BECOMING MOTHERWISE – Avoiding the Cascade of Intervention

BECOMING MOTHERWISE – Avoiding the Cascade of Intervention

The USA has the worst maternal morbidity and mortality rates in the Western World … double even Canada right next door, which altogether is deplorable! Semi-retired senior Kiwi midwife Kathy Fray specialized in natural labor and normal birth, resulting in impressive statistical outcomes: With a caseload demographic of 50% immigrants (English second language), 45% primips, 40% advance maternal age, and 40% pre-existing medical conditions; the outcome was consistently 85% of her clients’ labors having Vaginal Births, 90% fully exclusive breastfeeding at one-month, and virtually no Postnatal Depression. And Kathy says “It’s not rocket science – it’s just in-depth advanced prenatal Childbirth education, and naturopathic partus preparatus” … preparing the mind emotionally, and preparing the body holistically … it’s about focusing on the natural to support the normal.

During this session Kathy will teach the steps on how her primips would set themselves up to experience an average 3-4 hour Active Labor (and multips an average 1-2 hour Active Labor). Kathy will discuss the practical ways women can help themselves to avoid the unnecessary medicalization of their labor and birth, in order to avoid the unwarranted cascade of intervention resulting in such crazy high rates of traumatic instrumental deliveries and dramatic C-Section deliveries, and their corresponding maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality rates.

Kathy will include introducing her “Organic Birth” guides to natural labor and normal birth, and her mind-blowingly comprehensive MotherWise MasterClass prenatal curriculum for expectant mothers. Knowledge is Power is Kathy’s go-to motto, along with the Kiwi midwifery slogan “Pizzas are delivered – strong women give birth”.


CLICK HERE to learn more about joining Kathy’s MotherWise MasterClass podcasts by purchasing a subscription to her ESSENTIAL BASICS support package. [Membership also gives access to Kathy’s webinar library; huge online Q&A Library; and her weekly live classes.]

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